
The world comes at us from many different directions at once. That can make it difficult to keep your footing and find your direction.

That's where we come in. Arcane Consulting can help you gain a different perspective on your life, helping you to better choose your direction.

What We Do

The Tarot is one of the many tools used by mystics, psychics and practitioners of the arcane arts to gain insight into the world around us.

We use the rich symbolism and established meanings of the cards to provide you with a new perspective on your current situation. It does not necessarily "tell the future," but, in the hands of a skilled interpreter, the Tarot can be an effective tool for getting your head around a situation.

Our main consultant and founder, Kier, has been interpreting Tarot cards for more than fifteen years. His professional training in communications and religion supplements his natural intuitive prowess, allowing him to offer a clear and engaging narrative focusing on what the cards represent.

That knowledge of symbolism and human nature is also put to work for interpreting dreams and other patterns that may have developed in your life. Many things can serve as guide posts for where you could be going in life—and for where you should be going to be happier and more fulfilled.

We help you find that path.

Schedule and Appointment

Appointments for personal consultation are available during the week and on weekends. Our fees vary based on the complexity of consultation you would like. Tarot readings usually range between $10 and $30 and are only done in person. Dream interpretations and other services are charged on a case-by-case basis and may be handled via phone, e-mail or other means.

You can schedule one or ask more questions by e-mailing us at tarot@americanarcane.com.